The Artist’s Integrity

Today’s devo focused on Jeremiah 18:9–10:

If at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.

Kinda a wake up call if you think you can get away with believing like a Christian, without living like a Christian:

….If we start with apathy or rebellion but respond to His warnings, He blesses. If we start with responsiveness and end with rebellion or apathy, He reconsiders His blessings.

…There’s a difference between faith and presumption, but Christians confuse them often. We take God’s promises for granted. True faith leads to gratitude and service; presumption leads to complacency (i.e. believing you are fine spiritually, thinking: “at least I’m not that person”). And God’s mercy is rarely grasped by the complacent.

Don’t presume on grace. If God has promised you blessing….meet the conditions of the promise. Love Him, comply with Him, trust Him. In every detail of your life, follow His heart.

Or in my own words:

We are saved by grace through faith. As Christians we should understand that we cannot earn our way to God’s heart (or heaven) with good works. However, we do good works because of our faith in God and what he has done for us.

Faith without good works motivated by God is us stepping all over God’s gift to us. And God will keep us accountable to what we have done with our lives.

Scary thought isn’t it?

I pray that I can live a life that is worthy of glorifying God

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