
Wow, I haven’t posted here since the beginning of the year LOL.

Today I feel compelled to blog here due to a conversation I had with my boyfriend after work over coffee. So let’s see, what have I been doing over the last 9 months…..

I read Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and Hosea.
That was a lot of fun, Hosea, I had been meaning to read ever since I started dating last year. It’s both a terrifying and fantastic story of Israel turning it’s back on God, warnings of destruction with the Lord promising redemption in the end (much like how Hosea went and bought Gomer back). Proverbs took longer to read than I thought, but was full of tidbits of wisdom. Ecclesiastes was probably my favourite out of the 3. It basically summed that you can enjoy all there is in this present and short life we have, but in the end it really is meaningless without God.

-Been doing skype bible study devotions with a few of the youth from my fellowship
We read Mark, Ephesiasns, James, John 1–3 and are kinda in the process of reading Esther. I’m trying to convince them that we should do Ecclesiastes after x]

-Today, my boyfriend and I had a brief conversation about prayer
I had him pick up an extra order of Philip Yancey’s “Prayer: Does it make any difference?” books I ordered for my youth fellowship today. We met up for coffee after I got off work and talked for a bit about faith and prayer. He was raised Catholic, and has knowledge about the bible, but is more skeptical about faith because of his parents (so he says). Even though he’s more interested from an intellectual standpoint, I find it absolutely fascinating and enlightening when we have these conversations, and it’s at these times that I learn a lot about my own faith. I pray that we continue to have these conversations and that it may encourage him to seek God with his heart in the near future. And until then, I pray that I could be a worthy witness of God’s glory. \o/

//End unfiltered run-on musing/reflection

p.s. I hope to get back into recording my thoughts on this blog again more frequently lol

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